About resters.org

We, the resters, are people who take resting seriously. We think resting is as important as working, exercising and eating healthily, if not more important.

Our society tells us resting is lazy. That is not true. Resting is important and all humans should do it properly and seriously.

Our society tells us resting is not productive. That is not true. Resting increases productivity and decreases sick leave.

Our society tells us we can rest when we’re in bed at night. That is not true. Resting needs to be done during the day too, multiple times.

Our message

Resters.org wants to spread the message of resting in order to improve public health, decrease physical and mental illness and create awareness about the fact that we can improve our health and lives quickly and free of charge, simply by resting.

Resting can prevent and cure countless of ailments. It can increase lifespan, improve happiness and it will automatically regulate our nervous system. It is as important to our bodies as regular exercise, and will not only solve fatigue and exhaustion, but also reduce stress and anxiety and many other physical symptoms associated with it.

Resters.org is not selling anything. We do not offer books, courses, supplements, diets or other products. All of our information is free for anyone to use. In fact, if you become a rester yourself you probably no longer need any more books, courses, supplements, diets or other products.


The information on this website is offered as is and is not medical advice. Always consult a doctor or general practitioner if you have health issues.